There are so many firsts in life, first kiss, first baby, first house, first sale.....I could go on. I must say first blog post doesn't hold quite the same excitement! I guess I must start somewhere though.
I'm sure I learned to knit and crochet as a kid. I obviously though it was utterly lame and boring because I never did it again... until my first daughter was born...I loved all the cute handmade hats but was too cheap to buy them so I set out to learn. I bought the Happy Hooker book by the stitch and bitch lady...
and I was off! Well you can only make so many hats for your own children so I began experimenting on the babies at work and began selling hats to some of my co-workers. I'm now on Maternity leave and after much encouragement decided while I can justify a new hat every few months for my ever growing second child..the girls can only wear so many hats! So gradually and little by little they will be for sale in my little etsy shop here:
While you wait for hats to be listed..whew it's actually quite a bit of work to set up shop! Check out a couple of my friends for all things babyness and girly...
For absolutely awesome worth every penny booties.....
(and the sweetest purses ever for those angelic daughters)
Check out
Handmade Therapy or my more recent craving, the darlingest clippies ever...
I received the booties as a shower gift and they are rarely off Addison's feet especially with cool weather approaching....and I coudn't resist buying Miss T a purse for her upcoming 3rd birthday. I have restricted myself to one set of hair clips for now which the girls share, but am sure I will add to that collection in the future!
So if you'r looking for presents for those special babies and girls in your life here's a start for you and if you're interested in a hat let me know. You can check out my facebook page for ideas of what they look like.
See you soon!